How do I delete an email group?

Posted at Mon, Nov 20, 2023 2:45 PM

Answer: Deleting an email group starts with making a quick visit to the "Form Email Groups" page. If you're not quite sure how to get to this page, give the "Forms" drop-down menu in the main navigation on the left side of the Remora Administrative Portal dashboard a click, then select "Email Groups" from this expanded set of options (pictured below).


Once you're here, feel free to select the red trash can icon (shown below) located to the right of the email group that you'd like to delete.

If you're already on an "Edit Form Email Groups" page, you'll see the same icon (complete with the same ability to delete your chosen email group) in the bottom-right corner of the page.

Keep in mind, this will remove the email group from our system entirely and it cannot be recovered, so be sure you already have a new one setup for your form submissions to send to.