How do I search for an email group?

Posted at Mon, Nov 20, 2023 2:00 PM

Answer: In the top, right corner of the email group list box, located on the "Form Email Groups" page and previewed below, you'll notice a search box. Once you've located this tool, you'll have the opportunity to search and sort through any previously created email group by name.

If you need to sort your responses even further, click the Name column header (pictured below) to list these search results in ascending or descending alphabetical order.


Need to view more or less than the default 25 entries per page that comes standard with this tool? Then simply click the "Show Entries" drop-down menu (shown below) located in the top right of the email group list box. From here, you'll have the opportunity to list 10, 25, 50, or 100 email groups per page.